Business Coaching

Business Coaching

The Business Case for Business Coaching

If you are looking for business ideas, I have researched 100+ business ideas:
The Platforming of Capitalism
The Platforming of Capitalism


During the startup phase, these entrepreneurs are brimming with anticipation, enthusiasm, and passion. But as time goes on, they often find themselves drifting into the routine—managing daily operations, solving problems, measuring progress, and driving improvements.
It's not uncommon for them to lose some of the initial excitement that fueled their startup journey. But here's the key: That passion can be reignited. It lives within you, and with the right focus and determination, it can be harnessed to drive continuous growth and success. So, let's embrace the spirit of continuous learning and personal growth, because it's the secret sauce that can help you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey.

Personal Growth = Business Growth

To the degree that you grow personally and professionally, so goes your business. So if you’re struggling and your business isn’t growing or you feel stuck — there is likely something you need to learn in order to turn things around.
TRAP: Remember, your business should work for you versus you working to keep the business running. Plus you deserve to have fun while doing it!

Self Reflection: A Key Business Skill

Think of self-reflection as a timeout, a moment to pause and really dive deep into your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's like a personal check-in, a way to understand more about yourself and your growth, and most importantly, to pinpoint areas that might need a bit of tweaking.
You might be wondering, "How do I do this self-reflection thing?" Well, it's pretty simple and can be done in various ways. Journal your thoughts, have a heart-to-heart with a friend or mentor, or engage in some mindfulness activities.
Remember, it's not just about reflecting on the tough times but also celebrating your victories and successes. Consider how your actions have impacted you and others around you. This practice of self-reflection isn't just a one-off; it's a continuous journey that boosts your self-awareness and offers clarity on your next steps.
So go ahead, take a moment, and reflect. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself!

Embrace A Sense of Adventure

In the ever-changing world of business, one thing's for sure: you've got to be quick on your feet. It's all about keeping up with the trends, getting comfy with the latest tech, and shaking up the old-school ways of doing things.
New ideas and strategies? They might seem daunting at first, but hey, they're the secret sauce to staying ahead of the game.
We're living in a time of rapid, constant change. But here's the kicker: you're more than equipped to handle it. And you know what? You can even enjoy the ride. See it as an exciting adventure, not a daunting task. Your journey in business is a chance to learn, grow, and adapt. So, go ahead, embrace the adventure and ride the waves of change with confidence and excitement.

A Personal and Professional Development Path

In my 30+ years of working with entrepreneurs I have come to the realization that “To the degree that you grow personally and professionally, so goes your business.”
If your business is struggling, more than likely you are also likely struggling either on a personal or professional level. The first thing I do when working with business owners is to gauge where they are at on the self-awareness front.
Building self-awareness as a business owner and entrepreneur is very important to your long-term survival and key to continuous personal and professional growth.

The Entrepreneurial Paradox

There are many, many societal, familial and entrepreneurial expectations of business owners.
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Let's face it, society often paints a glossy picture of entrepreneurs. We're expected to be visionaries, trailblazers, superheroes, and on top of that, rich. All while we're steering our business ship, staying balanced, and serving others.
Sounds like a piece of cake, right? Well, not exactly.
The reality is quite different. Many entrepreneurs feel like they're walking a tightrope. They often grapple with feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and burden, all while battling the fear of missing out (FOMO). They worry about overlooking a crucial detail that could make or break their business. It's a high-stress game.
The pandemic hit the fast-forward button on changes in 2020. This has cranked up the pressure, worries, and concerns for entrepreneurs. The real-life experiences of entrepreneurs are often miles away from the picture-perfect Hollywood portrayals.
But remember, it's within these challenges that opportunities for learning and personal growth lie. So, embrace them, and remember, you're more capable than you think!

The Entrepreneurs Reality

Let's get real for a second. The entrepreneur life isn't always as glamorous as it seems on TV or social media. Over time, many entrepreneurs start feeling overwhelmed, tired, disillusioned, and even trapped in their own businesses. It can be a real rollercoaster.
In fact, a recent Twitter poll of 1,500 entrepreneurs revealed that 9 out of 10 are dealing with feelings of anxiety, burnout, and fatigue, either in the recent past or right now. That's a whopping 89%! But remember, they're not just working for their business, but for themselves and others too.
But hey, don't let this get you down. Remember, every challenge is a chance to learn and grow. Yes, running a business can be tough, but you've got what it takes to handle it and come out stronger. So, bring on the learning and personal growth, because you can totally do this!
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Lighthouse Business Coaching Services

You have the flexibility to choose from three distinct Coaching Packages, each one tailored to your unique business, personal and professional requirements. Rest assured, our entire Lighthouse Learning Library is included in these packages to enhance your business coaching experience.
3 Month Rapid Results Intensive $750/month: We'll tailor our coaching to your business's unique needs. We'll guide you through our Rapid Action Planning system for a major project. But that's not all - we'll also teach you how to use this system for future projects after our 3-month coaching journey wraps up. It's all about empowering you with the tools and knowledge to keep growing and improving.
6 Month Turnaround for $600/month: This package is like a turbo boost for your business! Not only do you get all the perks of the 3 Month Rapid Results Intensive, but we're also sticking around for an extra three months. That's right, we'll be right there with you, side-by-side, guiding and mentoring you every step of the way. We'll coach you through a complete business turnaround. And remember, this is all about learning and growing - so let's roll up our sleeves and make some magic happen together!
12 Month Major Milestone for $500/month: Here's the deal - our 12-month program isn't just a repeat of what you get in the 3-month or 6-month packages. Sure, you'll get all the same tools and services, but there's so much more. This program is all about hitting those big goals and milestones. Plus, we're going to equip you with a special technique - a result-driven approach that you can use to coach your team, engage with your customers, and sort out problems in a snap. It's all about learning, growing, and becoming the best version of yourself. So, are you ready to take the leap?

Other Tools & Professional Skill Development Include:

  1. Conversational Leadership: Conversational leadership is all about service and guidance. It's a method where you listen and lead by asking thoughtful questions, fostering a journey of personal discovery for the other person. This style of leadership isn't about commanding; it's about engaging in meaningful dialogue that helps individuals grow and learn.
  1. The Performance Bridge: Discover how to shield yourself from dangerous pitfalls in planning and decision-making. This tried-and-true concept will revolutionize the way you pursue your desires in life and business. It's all about continual learning and personal growth, empowering you to become your best self.

About the Author/Coach

Greg Dickson had been an author, business coach and entrepreneur for 3 decades. With experience ranging 4 continents spanning 37+ industries and 100’s of business coaching clients, Greg brings a unique perspective.
Whether through business coaching, business planning or his writing, Greg’s passion is to thread the needle through the fabric of the entrepreneurs journey.
Lighthouse Business Coaching is like an Experienced Business Librarian, Researcher & Business Coach all rolled up into a one-on-one experience with the sole purpose of accelerating your progress.

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