Clues & Catch 22s

Clues & Catch 22s

Introducing: Clues & Catch 22s Series™ Subscription

"Clues & Catch 22s" is a dynamic series aimed at empowering small business owners. Each mini-book is designed to have a substantial impact on your life and business, offering concise and practical insights that can be read in just over an hour.
Through these books, included worksheet and business coaching our goal is to provide you with support on your journey towards long-term sustainability, growth, and success. We will release one new book per month with worksheets and 1 hour business coaching included.
Our current collection of five books, available for a nominal subscription fee, are available immediately when you subscribe, see the PayPal link at the bottom of the page.
Free Book! Transforming Your Career Into a Business Opportunity,
Ready to transform your career into a thriving business? Our Transforming Your Career Into a Business Opportunity is a comprehensive guide will arm you with the tools and knowledge you need to make the jump from employee to business owner.
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Note: Greg’s first book was Tips and Traps When Buying A Business and his second book is available on Kindle: Tips and Traps for Writing An Effective Business Plan they are avilable to purchase on Amazon.

Elastic Business Design, Book Overview

3 decades in the making, entrepreneurs can revolutionize their business applying Elastic Business Design principles. Imagine a strategy that not only transforms your business, but also redefines your approach to entrepreneurship.
This Book is not a fantasy, not science fiction or a romance novel. It explores real-world concepts, strategies, and principles related to business design gained over 3 generations of entrepreneurs. It offers practical advice and guidance rather than a fabricated story, narrative or boring business tactics.
It will also help you develop a fresh perspective, which will enable you to look at your business through an unbiased lens. This in turn enables you to quickly and profitably pivot to improve your relationship with your customers and employees.
Imagine, waking up excited each and everyday to see what you might learn to innovate your business, that’s why we created our Clues ∞ Catch 22s book series and the Elastic Business Design book.
Remember, you are not alone, we will be with you each step of the way. Just reach out, use the form at the bottom of this page
Greg Dickson
Greg Dickson

Elastic Business Design, The Outline

Struggling to adapt your business to ever-changing market dynamics? Our book, "Elastic Business Design" is here to help. It's packed with strategies to foster adaptability, discipline, and a proactive approach to personal and professional development. Say goodbye to stagnation and hello to flourishing in a dynamic business landscape. #BusinessAdaptability #ElasticBusinessDesign
Uncover the potential of adaptability and flexibility in business, enabling your business to flourish in a rapidly changing market landscape.
  • 6 Things To Avoid In Your Learning Journey
  • 6 Things To Do In Your Learning Journey
  • Part 1: Working On Yourself From The Inside Out
    • Your Vision
    • Your Personal Action Plan
    • Your Discipline
    • Your Frame of Reference
  • Part 2: Working ON and IN The Business
    • Personal & Professional Development
    • Technological Development
    • Pro-Forma Financial Development
    • Customer Centric Design
    • Business Model & Systems
    • Business Action Plan

One Subscription 15 Books

You’ll begin with access to 5 books immediately. They can be read in 60-75 minutes (depending on your reading speed) or less on your mobile device, tablet or computer. Then once each month, beginning in March, you will get access to a new business book, worksheet, access to a group Q&A Session and a 1-on-1 Coaching session for just one affordable subscription fee.
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Digital Power Tools Book Overview

You’ve always been a visionary, spotting trends even before they emerge. But lately, you’ve been feeling a bit frustrated. Despite all your efforts, you feel like you are getting left behind in the world of digital marketing and promotion. You need something to change.
Your story is like many other small business owners. The digital landscape is constantly changing, and staying on top of it can feel like an uphill battle. If you are still reading, we think you aren’t one to back down from a challenge.
Through our Elastic Business Coaching coaching and the Clues ∞ Catch 22s: Digital Power Tools book, you’ll learn about new strategies how to enhance the customer experience, establish rapport, and devise customer-centric strategies. You will discover CRM Systems, AI-powered chatbots, email marketing tools and more, each hold potential to revolutionize the way you do business.
Embracing these digital tools, you can begin to transform your business. Overtime, you will make progress and eventually no longer feel like you are just keeping up with your competitors; you will become the competition by setting the trend. The digital world doesn’t have to be a mystery any longer, it can be a playground full of opportunities.
Any entrepreneur willing to learn and adapt can turn the challenges of the digital marketing into opportunities for growth and success.

Digital Power Tools, The Outline

Are you struggling to digitize your small business? Our book "Digital Power Tools" can help you navigate the digital landscape. It covers everything from leveraging CRM systems to using VR and AR tools. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to enhanced business operations and customer satisfaction. #DigitalPowerTools #SmallBusinessSolutions
Explore a variety of digital tools and strategies that can significantly enhance small businesses and boost customer satisfaction.
  • How to leverage CRM Systems
  • Real Time Customer Service
  • Email Marketing Tools
  • Online Survey Tools
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Feedback and Review Systems
  • Personalization Marketing Platforms
  • How To Use Customer Support Platforms
  • Loyalty Program Tools
  • Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) tools

One Subscription 15 Books

You’ll begin with access to 5 books immediately. They can be read in 60-75 minutes (depending on your reading speed) or less on your mobile device, tablet or computer. Then once each month, beginning in March, you will get access to a new business book, worksheet, access to a group Q&A Session and a 1-on-1 Coaching session for just one affordable subscription fee.

Subscribe >>> to the
Clues & Catch 22s

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Failing Forward, Book Overview

"Failing Forward" is a book that serves as a guide for entrepreneurs on their journey to success. It offers valuable insights into the nature of business failure and success, and the importance of learning from these failures.
The book delves into why entrepreneurs often deviate from their business plans and explores the paradox of confidence, control, and failure. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in entrepreneurship and demonstrates how to transform failures into stepping stones towards success.
By reading "Failing Forward", entrepreneurs can sidestep typical pitfalls and gain a better understanding of the complex landscape of business dynamics. The book challenges the notion of failure as an endpoint and reframes it as a stepping stone towards success.
In essence, "Failing Forward" empowers entrepreneurs to embrace their failures and use them as a learning tool to pave the way to success. It instills a mindset that views failure not as a setback, but as a springboard towards achieving their goals.

Failing Forward, The Outline

Tired of stumbling through the pitfalls of entrepreneurship? Dive into our insightful book "Failing Forward". Learn the invaluable lessons from business failure and success, understand why entrepreneurs stray from their business plans, and unravel the paradox of confidence, control, and failure. Discover the key to self-awareness and turn your failures into stepping stones to success. #FailingForward #EntrepreneurshipSuccess
Absorb insights on business failure and success, appreciate the value of learning from failure, and sidestep typical entrepreneurial pitfalls. “If you never know failure, you will never know success.” - Sugar Ray Leonard
  • Studies of Business Failure & Success
  • Entrepreneurial Fiduciary Duties
  • Entrepreneurial Scientific Studies and Papers on Business Failure
  • Why entrepreneurs fail to follow their business plan
  • The paradox of confidence, control, and failure in entrepreneurs
  • Research & Studies on the Importance of Self Awareness
  • Importance of Self Awareness
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People Power, Book Overview

"People Power" is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs aiming to optimize their people management skills. It provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the pivotal role employees play in a business's success.
The book offers insights into hiring the right people and fostering open communication, crucial to building a thriving and efficient team. It also addresses sensitive topics such as firing employees, ensuring that such necessary actions are carried out in a manner that minimizes disruption and maintains respect for all parties involved.
Moreover, "People Power" delves into the art of negotiation, a skill vital in dealing with various stakeholder interactions - from employee contracts to supplier agreements. The book emphasizes on the importance of open communication, trust, and mutual respect in effective negotiation.
Through its holistic approach to people management – from hiring to potentially firing and everything in between – "People Power" serves as a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs to truly leverage the power of their people for business success.

People Power, The Outline

Struggling with managing your team and fostering positive relationships in your business? Our book "People Power" will guide you through understanding the pivotal role your employees play in your success. From hiring the right people and fostering open communication, to mentoring and training your employees effectively. It even addresses the often difficult topics of firing employees and the art of negotiation. Say goodbye to team management woes and hello to a thriving business. #PeoplePower #TeamManagementSuccess
How to understand the pivotal role people play in your business success and master strategies for fostering these relationships. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and resources necessary to foster positive relationships and build a thriving business. Topics include:
  • Nurture vs Nature
  • Hiring the Right People
  • Firing Employees
  • The Role of Mentoring Employees
  • Training Your Employees if Teaching Employees Your Values
  • Open Communication
  • Love & Passion In Business
  • The Art & Mindset of Negotiation
  • A Decision Making
  • Pivoting Towards Profit
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Mindsets and Methods for Making Money, Book Overview

"Mindsets and Methods for Making Money Online" is a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs, filled with wisdom and insights into the world of business. This book emphasizes the significance of having a mastery mindset in business, the kind that fosters constant growth and a strong sense of responsibility.
The book covers various facets of personal and professional development, presenting readers with the tools to master themselves, their mindset, and their business. This comprehensive guide aims to transform stagnation into growth and success.
It's divided into several focused chapters, each addressing key elements like developing a mastery mindset, the importance of personal and professional development, the constant push for growth, understanding the sense of responsibility, and finally, achieving mastery of self, mindset, and business.
In essence, "Mindsets and Methods for Making Money Online" aims to help entrepreneurs recognize, develop, and cultivate the mindset essential for entrepreneurial triumph.

Mindsets and Methods for Making Money, The Outline

Struggling to cultivate the right mindset for entrepreneurial success? Our book, "Mindsets and Methods for Making Money," guides you towards developing a mastery mindset essential for triumph in business. Learn about personal and professional development, the constant push for growth, and the importance of responsibility. Discover the secrets of mastering self, mindset, and business. Say goodbye to stagnation and hello to growth and success. #MindsetMatters #EntrepreneurialSuccess
Recognize the significance of a mastery mindset in business and cultivate the mindset essential for entrepreneurial triumph. Chapters include:
  • A Mastery Mindset
  • Personal and Professional Development
  • The Constant Push for Growth
  • A Sense of Responsibility
  • Mastery of Self, Mindset, and Business
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March 1, 2024: Elastic Cash Flow Management & Business Financial Planning

Available March 1, 2024: Struggling with making sound financial decisions for your business? Our upcoming book "Elastic Cash Flow Management and Business Financial Planning", releasing on March 1, 2024, is your ultimate guide. It's a powerful tool that will revolutionize your financial decision-making, and help you boost your profits.
Stay tuned for monthly book releases with practical worksheets. Say goodbye to financial uncertainty and hello to increased profits. #ElasticCashFlow #BusinessFinancialPlanning #ProfitBoost
Each “Clues ∞ Catch 22s” book has been designed to have a “Big Impact” on your life and business. They have been written to be concise, practical and have a Big Impact.
Clues & Catch 22s

Monthly Subscription

$75 Monthly: 15 new books, 5 immediately and 1 released once per month beginning March 1, 2024, 1 hour business coaching per month, upon completion of worksheet.

Annual Subscription $500

Save $400 versus paying monthly, 75 Monthly: 15 new books, 5 immediately and 1 released once per month beginning March 1, 2024, 1 hour business coaching per month, upon completion of worksheet. BONUS: annual subscribers get 2 bonus books, Year End Reflection & Review plus 13 Myths, Mistakes & Muck-Ups of Business Owners.

Here are the outlines for the first 5 Books

  1. Elastic Business Design: Uncover the potential of adaptability and flexibility in business, enabling your business to flourish in a rapidly changing market landscape.
      • 6 Things To Avoid In Your Learning Journey
      • 6 Things To Do In Your Learning Journey
      • Part 1: Working On Yourself From The Inside Out
        • Your Vision
        • Your Personal Action Plan
        • Your Discipline
        • Your Frame of Reference
      • Part 2: Working ON and IN The Business
        • Personal & Professional Development
        • Technological Development
        • Pro-Forma Financial Development
        • Customer Centric Design
        • Business Model & Systems
        • Business Action Plan
  1. Digital Power Tools: Explore a variety of digital tools and strategies that can significantly enhance small businesses and boost customer satisfaction.
      • How to leverage CRM Systems
      • Real Time Customer Service
      • Email Marketing Tools
      • Online Survey Tools
      • Social Media Platforms
      • Feedback and Review Systems
      • Personalization Marketing Platforms
      • How To Use Customer Support Platforms
      • Loyalty Program Tools
      • Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) tools
  1. Failing Forward: Absorb insights on business failure and success, appreciate the value of learning from failure, and sidestep typical entrepreneurial pitfalls. “If you never know failure, you will never know success.” - Sugar Ray Leonard
      • Studies of Business Failure & Success
      • Entrepreneurial Fiduciary Duties
      • Entrepreneurial Scientific Studies and Papers on Business Failure
      • Why entrepreneurs fail to follow their business plan
      • The paradox of confidence, control, and failure in entrepreneurs
      • Research & Studies on the Importance of Self Awareness
      • Importance of Self Awareness
  1. People Power: How to understand the pivotal role people play in your business success and master strategies for fostering these relationships. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and resources necessary to foster positive relationships and build a thriving business. Topics include:
      • Nurture vs Nature
      • Hiring the Right People
      • Firing Employees
      • The Role of Mentoring Employees
      • Training Your Employees if Teaching Employees Your Values
      • Open Communication
      • Love & Passion In Business
      • The Art & Mindset of Negotiation
      • A Decision Making
      • Pivoting Towards Profit
  1. Mindsets and Methods for Making Money: Recognize the significance of a mastery mindset in business and cultivate the mindset essential for entrepreneurial triumph. Chapters include:
      • A Mastery Mindset
      • Personal and Professional Development
      • The Constant Push for Growth
      • A Sense of Responsibility
      • Mastery of Self, Mindset, and Business
  1. Our next book (6th) Elastic Cash Flow Management, and Business Financial Planning will be released March 1, 2024. Elastic Cash Flow Management & Financial Planning is a powerful financial decision making tool which will transform the way you make financial decisions and increase your profits. Then every month we will release a new book and worksheet.
Each book, focusing on a unique aspect of business success, comes with an accompanying worksheet for practical application of learned concepts. Moreover, as you progress through each book, you'll benefit from business coaching sessions, further cementing your path towards long-term sustainability, growth, and success.
Don't delay, subscribe to this series, delve into these guides, and embark on your success journey today!
P.S. Delve into these guides to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies necessary for long-term sustainability, growth, and success.
P. P.S. Once a month, beginning in March 2024, you will receive access to one new book. Complete your subscription via Credit Card or Debit Card in the form below and keep an eye on your email for links and password for each of the 5 books to get you started on your success journey today!